Our Website Has Moved!
Holmes Lofstrom PC is pleased to announce a new name, logo, and website.
are starting off 2021 with exciting news and a new look.
We have re-branded ourselves with a new name and logo.
We've also launched our brand new website at www.lofstromlc.com. Please visit us there!
Lofstrom Law Corporation
Lori M. Lofstrom
Certified Specialist in Franchising & Distribution Law by the State Bar of California
Main Office
7755 Center Avenue, Suite 1100
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
phone (562) 596-0116
fax (562) 596-0416
lori@lofstromlc.comSatellite Office
4251 S. Higuera St., Suite 800
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
phone (805) 547-0697
fax (805) 547-0716